Recognizing our Athletes tonight! #PHSPositive
We are streaming the Athletic Awards on our YouTube channel.
Senior Spotlight: Maggie Wood
We are streaming the awards on our YouTube Channel “Prairie Home Panthers”
Getting ready to recognize our students’ academic achievements! #PHSPositive
Getting ready to recognize our students’ academic achievements! #PHSPositive
Just a reminder that graduation ceremony is for both 8th grade and Seniors is this Sunday at 2:00 PM in the gym. All are welcome.
There will be a baseball game Friday, May 14th, at Tipton at 4:30.
Senior Spotlight: Ryan Small
Congrats to our District track athletes. See picture for all results. We had 4 individuals qualify for Sectionals!
Allison took 4th place in shot put
Savanna took 4th in both 1600m and 3200m
Ryan took 4th in 100mH
Blane took 1st in 400m
Reminder the Academic Banquet is at 6:15pm on Monday, 5/10, and Athletic Awards is at 6:30pm on Tuesday, 5/11, for all 7-12 grade students and families.
5th and 6th grade visited the Jefferson City Penitentiary, the park, and Central Dairy ice cream. Check out our Facebook page for more pictures!
R is for rainbow! Elementary all wore colors of the rainbow and the teachers were the "clouds". Check out more on our Facebook page!
Huge "THANK YOU" to Boonville Sonic for donating all the drinks for our staff appreciate week! The staff really enjoyed them today during lunch. #PHSPositive.
Here is the bracket for the District Baseball Tournament.
MO HS Softball District at Lincoln: Bunceton/Prairie Home 3 Windsor 13
The District Softball game for tomorrow, 5/5, at Lincoln will now be played at 6:30. Bus will leave at 4:15 from Prairie Home.
Spring Music Concert will be streamed tonight, 5/4, on our Prairie Home YouTube channel:
The music concert starts at 6:30pm.
Softball game today, 5/4, has been postponed to tomorrow, 5/5, at 4:30pm in Lincoln. Bus leaves at 2:15pm from Prairie Home.
Delivered candy to our staff today for Staff Appreciation Week! Our staff at Prairie Home is working hard to finish the year strong! #PHSPositive