JH Basketball girls defeat Vienna 30 to 29.
Junior High Boys basketball defeat Tuscumbia 30-20
Cross country raced at Boonville this afternoon (9/24) on a beautiful day and a tough course!
Junior High Girls Basketball will practice from 3:30-5 today, followed by a boys only game VS Tuscumbia at 6 PM
❤️Blood Drive TODAY!❤️
**To show our appreciation to the valued blood donors every donor will receive a ST. LOUIS Cardinals Shirt! Check it out below and come support the Blood Drive from 1:00-6:00!
LINK FOR APPTS: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=PrairieHomeHS
The Junior High Basketball game for Tuesday 9/24 will begin at 6 pm and be a boys only game VS Tuscumbia. They do. Or have a girls team this season.
The baseball game for tonight at Pilot Grove has been cancelled due to field conditions.
Great morning of racing for our girls cross country team at New Franklin, 9/21!
To our students and families, great job completing your Book Blast Treasure Maps! We will celebrate soon with all the books heading our way. Jump for joy and get ready for book delivery day!
Contributions will be accepted through Sunday. To help all students at the school, make a school-wide contribution: https://tinyurl.com/PrairieHomeR5CommLink
#bookblast #bookblastadventures #letsread
Panthers baseball takes the loss 2-1 to new Franklin in 8 innings. JV loses 5-1.
Congratulations to our final Treasure Chest winner - ARLEY SCHOEN. The Book Blast is
going strong as we approach these last few days of the event. It’s not too late to complete your Treasure Map, earn your prizes, and help your child’s teacher earn a shopping spree to
purchase books and supplies for the classroom! When 60% of the classroom students register and invite 10+ friends and family members, that teacher will earn a $100 shopping spree. If ALL the classroom students invite 10+ friends and family members, the teacher will earn a $200 shopping spree. Visit https://app.booksarefun.com/PrairieHomeR565068 to participate!
#booksarefun #bookblast #bookblastadventures #giveliteracy #kids #read
Picture Day is coming up on 10/03/2024! Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/86840MF.
The Juniors are selling baked goods and mums Saturday, September 28th, from 8-12 at Duncan's Diner. Come out to support them as they raise funds for Prom!
JH Basketball Girls defeat Bunceton 42 to 7 and Boys win 35 to 17.
Varsity baseball wins over Tuscumbia 11-0. JV drops 1-3.
First basketball game on the new court.
Power up! Our 3rd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner is CORA THOMPSON!
Did you know that Book Blast contributions help ensure all our students receive books? After your student earns all 10 books from the book list, additional contributions help provide more books for all our students, classrooms, and the library. Your involvement makes a world of difference!
#booksarefun #literacy #bookblastadventures #readingrules
Tonight's home basketball game will be streamed on HUDL TV. HUDL is no longer compatible with Youtube, so all future games and events will be streamed on HUDL TV. This is free to use. Please use the following link or visit the school website and follow the link under "Activities".
Congratulations Bentley Hoecker for being our 2nd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner!
Way to go! There is still time to win a Treasure Chest by inviting 10+ family members or
friends: https://app.booksarefun.com/PrairieHomeR565068 . Let’s keep up the momentum to help build our students’ home libraries!
If you’d like to support our school and help all our students have access to more books, please donate here: https://tinyurl.com/PrairieHomeR5CommLink . Your support truly makes a world of difference in their education!
#GiveLiteracy #BookBlast #bookblastadventures @go.booksarefun #goread #lovebooks
Tomorrow night 9/17 Junior High Basketball opens up against Bunceton for the first game in the new gym. 6 PM tip off!!!!