BPH baseball opens the spring season with a victory over La Monte 17-2.
HS Track @ Russellville, 3/19. Nicely done everyone! Full results can be found at Mo.milesplit.com.
The Flower Shop will be at the Baseball Concession stand tonight at 6 PM for everyone to get measured and order their things for prom.
Fantastic first HS track meet at Westran High School, 3/15!
Excited for lunch!
Pre-K Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is right around the corner!
Visit https://5il.co/1szvi or the school office for the enrollment packet. We will begin accepting applications no earlier than April 3rd. If your child is already in the program, we will need a new application for this year.
Congratulations to Layne Brandes for being selected to the MBCA All State Team! Another great accomplishment!!
If you did not get your Boys Basketball District Championship T-Shirt we still have ALL sizes available including: Youth Sizes from Small - XL, and Adult Sizes from Small - 3XL. The cost is $10 and can be picked up in the office.
Check out the Math Contest Results. Congratulations to the students and Ms. Wilson!
More smiles!
CCAA Music Contest in Jamestown
Kindergarten using their imaginations to create a shelter for their minature animals.
Congratulations to all the athletes that were selected to the All District teams! Way to represent BPH!!!! Congratulations to Trever Huth for being selected as the District 10 Coach of the Year!!
As we move to update much of our gym area, we want to ensure that our recognitions, for both teams and individuals, are as accurate as possible. Some areas we are looking for are team conference and district championships, individual all-state players, 1000 point scorers, and any other related item.
Please reach out to the school at jhoecker@prairiehome.k12.mo.us with any information you believe the school may be missing or is not currently displaying. Including some form of proof whether it be from a yearbook, newspaper, or other medium would be extremely helpful. Thank you!
Surplus Property for Closed Bid:
Congratulations to all that made the CCAA Basketball All Conference Teams!!!
Don't forget to call the school and make your appointment for Kindergarten Enrollment & Screening for your child that is 5 years old by August 1st. 660-841-5296
Just a heads up, Susie's bus may be running a few minutes behind today.