The Prairie Home R-V School District (the “District”) seeks statements of qualifications and proposals from qualified companies (Qualified Provider) to identify and implement energy conservation measures and selected capital improvements that reduce utility consumption, operations costs, maintenance costs and to improve facilities through building infrastructure and system enhancements. The District’s objective in issuing this Request for Proposals is to select a qualified provider for the implementation of the services described above, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute 8.231.
Responses should be limited to 50 total pages. Qualified respondents should review the requirements in this document and submit three sealed copies of their response by 10:00 AM on May 12th, 2021 to:
Mr. Scott Gemes Superintendent
Prairie Home R-V School District
301 Highway Dr. Prairie Home, MO 65058
For questions or further information, please contact Mr. Scott Gemes, Superintendent, at or 660-841-5296.
Please use link to see the full Request for Proposal: