February 24th-February 28th
Monday: Breakfast - Breakfast Burrito or Cereal, Fruit, Milk
Lunch - Sausage, Biscuit w/Sausage Gravy, Tri-Tater, Fruit, Milk
Alternate - Ham
Tuesday: Breakfast – Breakfast Cake or Cereal, Fruit, Milk
Lunch – Lasagna w/Meat Sauce, Lettuce Salad, Fruit, Milk
Alternate - Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday: Breakfast - Pancake Wrap or Cereal, Fruit Juice, Milk
Lunch - Toasted Sub Sandwich, Chips, Baked Beans, Fruit, Milk
Alternate - Grilled Chicken Patty
Thursday: Breakfast - Biscuit w/Sausage Gravy or Cereal, Fruit Juice, Milk
Lunch - Sloppy Joe on Bun, Carrots, Fruit, Milk
Alternate - Beanie Weenies
Friday: Breakfast - Donut or Cereal, Fruit Juice, Milk
Lunch - Sweet & Sour Chicken, Broccoli, Rice, Fruit, Milk
Alternate - Mini Corn Dogs
Please Note All Attachments.
If there is anything that you would like to put in the weekly newsletter you may send it
to my email address:, by Wednesday of each week.
PBS Dress Up Days: QR Points will be awarded for participation.
February 26: PBS $1 Hat Day
The 2024/2025 Yearbooks are now $35 dollars each. Please see attached form for ordering details.
Kindergarten Registration will be held March 5, 2025 from 8:00-3:00 p.m. Please contact the office to schedule your appointment.
Pre-K enrollment will begin April 1, 2025 and will end April 15, 2025. Enrollment forms will be available for pickup or to print from the school website after March 24, 2025. Please reach out to the office with further questions.
Prairie Home PTO will be hosting a trivia night on Friday, March 7, 2025. Please see attached form for registration and further information.
2025 Boonslick Softball Sign ups will be held in person March 2nd at Rolling Hills concession stand. Attached information with full details. If interested in an application please reach out to the office and one can be picked up or sent home. Age range is 5-18 (as of January 1).
Dismissal Times/Student Pick-Up: All PHS students will be dismissed daily at 3:20 p.m. If you need to pick up your student(s) earlier than 3:20 p.m., please let the office know at 660-841-5296. Even if you notify the teacher of a change in transportation please also call or email myself. I keep the bus list up to date so the bus drivers are aware of what students will or will not be riding. Thanks so much for all your help with this.
Medication: All medication, both over-the-counter as well as prescription, must be given to the school health aide. Serious consequences may result if a student is found with any drugs including over the counter or prescription. First offense may result in 10 days of O.S.S. Over-the-counter or prescription drugs may not be kept in purses, pockets, book bags, lockers or anywhere else on school grounds. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Simmons at 660-841-5296.
Food Service: Please be sure and keep your student’s Food Service accounts up to date. Account balance summaries will be sent home every Friday (if your student has a negative balance it will be in parentheses). If a student’s balance is negative, they will not be allowed “extras”. If your student’s balance falls negative more than $5.00, they will be eating a cheese sandwich (for which they will not be charged) and milk (for which they will be charged.)
Please check your students' lunch account balances and make sure we get them all to a positive balance as soon as possible.
PHS Events for the Week:
Monday, February 24: District Basketball
Tuesday, February 25: District Basketball
Natural Gas Presentation (4th Grade) 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, February 26: District Basketball
Thursday, February 27: District Basketball
Friday, February 28: District Basketball
PBS Assembly 2:30 p.m.
“Cultivating Student Success Through Effective and Engaging Instruction”